In order to answer this question we must first understand the definition of “true love.” True love is when two human beings have a genuine desire to love and care for one another unconditionally, it’s a deep connection that’s beyond infatuation or attraction and it’s focused more on trust, respect, empathy, and growing together.
Love is a word that gets very loosely thrown out and not taken as seriously. Before you throw out the word love you should stop and ask yourself these 3 questions. Why do you love this person? What does this person do that makes you love them? And in what way do you love this individual? These are all questions we should stop and think to ask before saying the word “love.”
When I asked Abigail Pierre-Noel (12th grade) how she felt about young love she stated “I feel as if when kids say they love someone they don’t really know the depth and the meaning behind the word love when they use it, they just say it just to say it. But we are never too young to experience loving someone.”
Love can be a difficult thing to understand at any age but that doesn’t mean young people can’t understand or experience it. There are a lot of factors that go into understanding love like hormones, love vs. lust, learning and growth, real love, and different types of connections.
Bryan Herrera stated “I think true love isn’t a real thing I believe love is real but true love no. I don’t think a lot of people have ever experienced true love so I do think that kids may be too young to know the true definition because nobody could even guide them into knowing the definition.”
As young adolescents the hormones we experience may cause us to confuse love and sexual attraction. This ties into love vs. lust, love is more emotional and involves a deep care for someone while lust is just more physical. As young teens, we are still learning and growing which means we haven’t experienced certain things that are needed to know the true definition of true love.
True love isn’t necessarily in an intimate relationship. True love can be the love you feel for your family and friends, an unconditional love. For example, the love you feel for your parents or the love a mother feels when she has her child is true love.
So in reality nobody is ever too young to experience or understand true love. You can be too young to understand the emotions you are going through and why they could be causing you to feel a certain way, but you are never too young to experience true love.