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Luciano Alzate Debuts New Film, Con el Sudor te du Frente!

Luciano Alzate Debuts New Film, Con el Sudor te du Frente!

A senior, Luciano Alzate at Coral Glades High School has a great passion for filming and decided to embark on this new project to add to his filmmaking portfolio.

Luciano’s target audience lands around indie filmmaking and enjoys making short films in both English and Spanish.

Luciano Alzate who is going to continue to pursue his passion for filmmaking in the Florida State University Film program, started this project mid December of 2023. Luciano started by making a script for this project that he was planning on pursuing and then pitched the idea to a Netflix actor who loved the idea of creating this film.

This film had a premiere on May 14th, 2024, at Savor Cinema in Fort Lauderdale which turned out to be a huge hit! Many students, teachers, and film lovers attended this premier and enjoyed the short film.

In short words, the film consists of an illegal immigrant woman named Dolores in which she discovers a bag full of cash written by her apartment. This bag turns her life into a complete disaster causing people to notice and suspect how she got this money.

“I went to the premiere last night and to think this was a student who made and directed this film is extremely impressiveWhen being a student filmmaker there is always a big challenge that comes along with it, your budget. The budget is set very low when being a student filmmaker so using all the resources you can is very valuable and contributes heavily to the film. Luciano did an outstanding job in using his resources and making everything count in this film.” Maven Lebron, senior.

Along with this film, there is word around the street that this film may even bring a sequel or a prequel. As Luciano continues his passion at Florida State University he is excited to find many more endeavors to continue his future career in filmmaking.

“After watching the film last night, I realized that if I was not aware of this being a student-based film, I would not have given any thought to a student being able to make this. The project was extremely mature and was executed very well.” Rami Phillips, senior.

El Sudor de tu Frente will be streaming all over YouTube by May 15th, 2024 at 3:00 pm EDT.

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