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How Does the Heat Affect You?

How Does the Heat Affect You?

Currently, a massive heat wave is covering  America. 15 different national heat records have been shattered in 2024 so far.

The heat dome covering most of America right now is causing record-high temperatures; here in Florida, we know that temperatures in the upper 90’s combined with the humidity make for a feels-like temperature in the 100’s, this heat is unlike anything else.

These extraordinary highs are only climbing making staying inside much more preferable.

Jenna Dallcioppia, a freshman, says “every time I go outside I instantly want to go back inside, the heat makes it hard to stay outside. I would much rather stay in than go out somewhere with my friends.”

Heat can have many effects on people, ranging from the most commonly known physical aspects such as heat stroke, dehydration, and exhaustion, to the more unknown psychological effects like increased irritation, aggression, and impulsivity.

The heat gives students an “attitude”, meaning that they are extremely irritable and get annoyed very easily.  Now while this isn’t an issue now, this can have severe negative effects on a person’s social relationships. This heat forces people to want to stay inside rather than go out, meaning they wouldn’t see their friends as often.

But, on the rare occasion that people do go out with their friends, the heat makes them more irritable, which can cause little petty fights and outbursts. You may not even realize that you are acting differently from how you usually do, all because of the heat.

I asked Jadalyn Alava, junior, how she thinks the heat affects her everyday life. She said, “The heat affects our everyday lives whether in school or not. It takes our focus off our tasks and affects some people physically. Plus the heat isn’t very mindful, it’s not cutesy, not very demure.”

These record high temperatures in combination with the insane humidity can make many people feel as if they aren’t themselves. It causes people to be more tired and dehydrated and can truly affect our social and emotional well-being.

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