New York City is currently experiencing a crime wave. This is due to a multitude of factors, one of the biggest is the massive migrant crisis occurring in the city. See, ever since migrants were allowed across the southern border, southern red states have been bussing and flying migrants north to sanctuary cities (cities that claim to be accepting to any and all refugees) where they flood in.
What’s happened is that the entire city has seen skyrocketing prices for the economy. Thanks to hotels, schools, and buildings becoming migrant shelters, this has caused rents to increase in those neighborhoods where the shelters are. What’s worse is that migrants are stuck in a system where they can’t get jobs as NYC is suffering from a lack of jobs, the only ones available being delivery but even these don’t help pay for the massive rents and costs.
This then caused crime to increase as both regular people and migrants steal and loot from stores to obtain things they want, causing stores to lock up their goods and increase the prices of the items. It’s essentially a never-ending cycle of rising prices causing crime and the crime causing rising prices.
If things weren’t bad enough, migrants have formed street gangs and have gone looting individuals en masse. They have done it in the New York City Subway system, in Central Park, and even in rich 5th Avenue, where, according to NBC New York, has seen crime happening as far back as 2 years ago when thieves hit 18 jewelry shops.
Suffice it to say, things have gotten pretty bad in the Big Apple, however, the government is responding to this crime wave, mainly by sending in the National Guard into the subway and the NYPD into Central Park, but this does come with some problems.
It’s no secret that the NYPD is critically understaffed and undermanned, so while they may be at Central Park at the moment, when crime shifts elsewhere they go there, so crime reappears in Central Park. Due to budget cuts in 2020, the NYPD can’t be everywhere at once, leaving lots of areas vulnerable to attack.
Now as always, asking the people here are Coral Glades is key to getting to understand what the average joe thinks. The question to these 2 individuals was, What can NYC do about crime? Juan Llovet in the 11th grade said, “Stop crime by having cameras in alley ways because it’s very common and have police stationary in one place.” Samuel Rojas in the 11th grade said, “Arrest the criminals that look like they’re gonna do crimes.”
To conclude, it seems there has to be a drastic change in policy if New York City is to function once more, perhaps cracking down on crime by funding the police and building more homes to bring down the cost of rent could give residents the financial relief they need to contribute to the economy more instead of saving for a rainy day, the former being something NYC shops desperately need.