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China and Philippines Sabina Shoal Dispute

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In the South China Sea and an island called Sabina Shoal, rich with natural resources such as oil and gas, both key resources for all countries alike, the problem is that both China and the Philippines have both claimed the island and around it. For years now both sides have been escalating the conflict with threats and small scuffles and even purposely ramming each other’s ships.

A week ago, Chinese and Filipino ships rammed each other while both sides claimed one side’s fault in this. It’s clear that both were involved, and the reason for doing this may be clear as this happened near Sabina Shoal claimed by both countries and a very tense region between the two.

A Chinese coast guard said that the Filipino vessel “deliberately collided” with them while the Chinese were training and practicing  “aggressive maneuvers.” The Sunday after this happened they decided to ram each other again raising more tension and risking human lives and China is now facing criticism from other countries such as Japan, South Korea, Australia, Europe, and the EU.

This Monday, 40 Chinese ships prevented 2 Filipino ships from restocking a Philippine Coast Guard ship named the Teresa Magbuana and China has publicly stated that their actions were “professional and appropriate.” Since the Philippine ship was stopped, The Philippines sent the supplies by helicopter, and every day tensions are rising because of both sides’ actions with little consequences.

The Philippines believes China will soon try to reclaim Sabina Shoal and the evidence that pointed to this conclusion was crushed coral on Sabina Shoal’s sandbar even though China has rejected this, claiming zero to no evidence. On Friday, authorities released info from Chinese scientists saying the sandbar is all natural and is in line with natural laws.

Due to this, the Philippines sent the Teresa Magbuana to Sabina Shoal to establish a permanent presence on the island, and because of this China says this proves the Philippines’ true intentions of occupying the island.

Furthermore, both countries have a lot to lose if they give up the dispute such as their reputation and how the people of said country will think of their government’s competence to lead.

The Philippines has stated in recent times that Sabina Shoal and other islands are in its exclusive economic zone which gives them the rights to build and construct on said islands, but China has stated this to be wrong saying that the whole of the South China Sea is theirs and theirs only.

As tension rises the big question here is if the US will get involved since China is a rival and the Philippines is an ally but only time will tell, and Marcos Jr the president of the Philippines said quote “if any Filipino serviceman or citizen is killed by a wilful act in the south china sea, this would be very, very close to what we define as an act of war, and therefore we would respond accordingly.” As time goes on we will have to see what this will bring but hopefully, there will be no war and everyone will be safe.

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