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Does Society Shape or Break Our Tomorrow?

(2022, via
(2022, via
Hannah Gibbs

Society is molded into tomorrow’s aspirations. Whether that be with the uprising of technology or the uprising of Gen Alpha across the media. Society may mold tomorrow just as much as we mold society.

When children grow up, they’re exposed to the new and improved reality that the world keeps building upon. Adults, in contrast, build a new structure for the younger generation.

As a result, when they grow older those ideas and concepts taught by society eventually become the status quo for future generations. The more innovation created the stronger the effect on the new generation.

However, both good and bad results may be true. For starters, we may improve generation by generation through tradition, persistence, adaption, and resistance. Negative results can also be true. Every generation argues the next to be the worst. However, the people of today mold society tomorrow.

So to define society, people must consider our world today. Before the tragedy of Covid-19, today’s generation was influenced by millennials and changed the world for the better.

While not all changes benefit society, these molded the 2010s and made our society happy. A society is the belief life can change for better or worse through the power of the people.

However, people over time became corrupted into power shaping the divided world we have today. The world, some may argue, has always been divided.

However, we the people, shaped who the next generation grew up to be. It’s our choice to grow or fall as a society. What matters is that people have innate and selflessness for tomorrow.

Today, people are corrupted by power far too easily and collapse in the face of defeat. Rather than being selfish and caring only for today, we must shape the vision of life beyond our time. We must choose our fate, in other words, indecision in decision.

People choose who they want to be, society in the modern day molds people in a cold division. The people have a choice not by society’s standard but by the human standard of love, respect, understanding, and choice. Students, staff, and all in our society share how they grew up and saw the world be molded into today’s projections.

“I feel like a few up in a generation before the generation boom about social media specially. So we had to do things old school. It wasn’t as easy to type or search things like they are now and social media wasn’t a big thing it was just beginning. So it really wasn’t much of a distraction. I think, while technology advancements are amazing, they sometimes encourage us to not do rigorous research. It’s too easy to search up things only without finding things online without seeing what is valid or thinking for oneself. I think social media has been a great way to maintain connections, but also a distraction where people aren’t being social in a real sense anymore.” Shelly Toth, a teacher, says over her experience growing up in society vs today’s society. 

“It’s affecting them negatively. Yeah people are addicted to their phones. They don’t go outside anymore. It didn’t affect me negatively but how I could see how it could affect somebody.” Sofia Rivero, a junior, says over her experience with modern society vs her own life in society.

Life has a choice, either we have faith in our own lives or choose our actions told by others. People decide in choice vs illusion of choice in life. We choose who we want to be, everyone, young or old, must have the same. Do we as a society choose in a scarce tomorrow or for a world beyond our own?

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