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Humans, A Creature of Habit: Why Developing Healthy Habits in High School is Important

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High school is setting the tone for a student’s lifelong habits. Good habits can be as simple as making your bed each morning or drinking water. Implementing good habits in high school will make your student’s life much easier. Maintaining a healthy and consistent lifestyle is extremely difficult for students in high school as they are trying to manage their classes, homework, clubs, and sports, and while not every aspect of their life can be controlled, developing healthy habits adds more stability in the student’s life.

Good study habits are crucial for students in high school, as the workload becomes increasingly heavier. Study habits can include setting aside a time period each day to study, setting goals for yourself, taking breaks in between study sessions, or finding a comfortable location that lets you focus. Study habits developed in high school can also be carried on into college. Having a routine that works for you improves your performance in school because you will be able to manage your time and be in control of assignments. Aryanna Blanco, senior at Coral Glades High School shares her study habits saying “As a student, I’ve always been one to aim for good study habits. Having 8 classes and multiple assignments and tests during the week can be demanding so I typically try taking a lot of notes until it’s engraved in my head or sticking to my “go-to” flashcards.”

Healthy habits can improve your mental health. Developing habits that allow you to take time for yourself greatly benefits mental health, especially for students. Some habits that give your brain and body a break are having a consistent sleep schedule, journaling, exercising, and daily affirmations. Having a consistent sleep schedule as a high schooler can be hard as some club meetings or sports practices end late and the student may have homework on top of that. However, developing a routine that gives the student time to get the sleep they need to recharge is important. 

Lack of sleep can harm a student’s focus, decisiveness, and creativity. Journaling is a habit that many people believe to be time-consuming when in reality it is the perfect time to self-reflect. What people believe to be the hardest part about journaling is finding things to journal about. Some journal prompts can include a list of things you’re grateful for, short and long-term goals, and things that make you happy. When people hear exercising their brain automatically goes to engaging in strenuous physical activity when in reality exercising can just be stretching every morning.  “Working out helps to better my mental health and keeps me focused and relaxed after a long, stressful day.” Says Coral Glades 11th grader Cole Fisher. Exercising releases dopamine which is a ‘Feel good’ chemical in your brain. Daily affirmations help you stay positive and self-confident. Some affirmations could be “I am smart”, “I am going to have a good day”, and “I am strong”.

Having consistent and healthy habits are important for high schoolers to be stable mentally, emotionally, and physically. If students develop healthy habits in high school they will breeze through college and become responsible adults. 

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