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Is the school Dress Code Justified?

The student dress code can be fair and unfair at the same time. Firstly it is fair in some ways like face masks such as ski masks schools not letting kids wear this is a great idea to make sure that everyone can be seen at all times for safety. One thing the school cares too much about though and they should be more lenient on is what girls wear. For the most part, every girl brings a jacket just in case the teachers think their shirts are too small, this should be a smaller concern in the future. The school board does not allow students to wear any headgear at school for safety reasons to make sure that no person is there that should not be. Junior Ethan Daniel says, ‘’I don’t think this school system’s dress code is fair at all because they don’t let us wear anything on our heads, some days I wake and with a bad hair day and just wish I can put on a hat to cover it up but they do not allow that at school’’.

Damani Atkinson, a junior at Chaminade-Madonna College Preparatory School says “I think the school dress code is great here since we wear uniforms, it makes us look more presentable and it makes sure no one is left out since we all wear the same things. The only problem I have is that we need to wear closed-toe shoes and I wish they would change that because some say I would like to lay back and wear slides.’’

The most important school dress code that is 100 percent justified is the school badge or the school ID. It helps staff members easily identify students and make sure every student is supposed to be there. The ID makes it easier for teachers to locate and get to know you better. The main reason for the ID is to make sure that someone who does not belong will be found and removed as fast as possible. Most students don’t like to wear them for dumb reasons like they don’t look good etc, but it ensures their wellbeing and safety.

Junior Shaun Blum from Coral Springs Charter says “Even though our dress code limits us to only a few things there are times where our school is lenient like school spirit week they let us wear anything that fits the topic of such sort. We are never able to wear slides and for spirit weeks we can and I love it.’’

The dress code has plus sides and down sides which the students may or may not like but they are enforced for the students’ better good.

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