Since the dawn of technology, humanity has used its cleverly crafted resources throughout time. However, with the dawn of AI and artificial technology and intelligence, it has become over time harder to see the foundation of humanity.
Every human must start from the learning blocks, to learn and grow is to be a student. However, students today are troubled with new technologies and appliances. While they grow or are intended to be strong, they only weaken themselves tomorrow.
AI is beneficial to society, but only as it was intended to be a tool. Today, with AI seemingly being able to mimic information vital to particular jobs, it makes effort put into the education of said jobs, meaningless.As a result, students who grow up with these resources do not understand the challenges and what it means to be a student. A student can be defined as a person willing to learn for themselves and their future endeavors through hard work and perseverance.
With technology and AI, however, such jobs do not require any effort and only need a search to find. If students use this material, hard work and difficulty in rough times will be lost and we will never continue to evolve as people.
If anything, progress would stagnate. People meant to require knowledge for their jobs can now use AI for their whims and pleasure instead of finding meaning to the original hard work to get to their goal. It is essential students be taught proper work ethic and law against using AI in schools. Or, learning how to use AI properly.
Students may use AI for the benefits to their education or their own selfish and lazy desire. Students have this to say that their use of AI is affecting their education.
“I wouldn’t use AI often, If you let AI do the work for you and you’ll never retain any information if you let it use you.” Daniel Clark, a sophomore, says about his experience using AI affecting his educational life.
Michael Partiss, sophomore: “I rarely do the work, I use AI to cheat on stuff and to make essays for me, it’s better now because I can post a link to the website and write a paragraph about it.” Michael Partiss, another sophomore, says, about AI affecting his education experience. However, he argues whether teachers do the same, “I would say so, they put awkward answers for their work so they use AI.”
This can be done through the use of a school-modified software AI students can use for time management and dedication. A student can still thrive in the modern day, as long as students are given a proper work ethic and use of resources.
A student is someone who faces difficulties no matter how strong. In a day of easiness and laziness, the world needs champions of tomorrow who make the work of today possible tomorrow.
So many students today struggle because lessons such as these do not exist at this point. Rather than letting people downgrade, it is essential as a society to build a better tomorrow. Otherwise, what the people say today won’t be what people see tomorrow.