Right now, in 2024 cheetah print is currently trending. Every year a new trend becomes popular, and everyone wants to follow it. The cheetah print trend was popular in the early 2000s. Popular influencers have made this trend skyrocket. For example, a popular TikTok creator Tara Yummy has made cheetah print so popular. She follows the 2000 fashion trends which cause her to blow up. Everyone at one point wanted to be her because her fashion and makeup took them back in time.
Everything is cheetah right now. Dresses, skirts, shorts, hair curlers, and many more. TikTok shops have become so popular because of their cheap prices and quick shipping. For example, I bought a package there and it came within 3 days. The reason I am talking about this is because cheetahs became popular on social media. Cheetah print is taking over TikTok shops because there are so many popular creators that have been following this trend.
For example, a popular hair tool is a wavy Tok hair curler. They are now making a cheetah print one that comes in two colors, the classic brown cheetah print or a pink one. The color pink right now is so trendy too, especially baby pink. A quote from Sarah Singh “I love cheetah print, and I am glad that it is trending again, so I have an excuse to wear it”. This quote shows how much cheetah print has an influence on others.
A print that some people may believe will be trendy in 2025 is deer print. It’s like a cheetah print but the dots are tiny, and the print is mostly light brown. It’s very similar in a sense to cheetah print. Trends are so quick and easy for example at the beginning of the year the color baby pink was trending along with bows. Everything was bows and pink. People would do a slick back hairstyle and tie a little bow on the back and wear pink. Another popular trend this year was low-rise jeans. Almost no one wears High Rise anymore.
In my opinion, I am so glad that low-rise is trending right now. I don’t like high-rise jeans because they are so tight, and they just make you feel constricted. All these fast fashion trends show how quickly trends move. Cheetah print won’t be popular forever. A quote from Jewel Dezard “I think cheetah print is a cute trend, and I think all the companies using that as a marketing tool are smart.” I agree with her quote because companies who use things that are trending right now will make them lots of money, and it’s a good marketing scheme.