Going to school from 7:40-2:40 is a lot on one’s body. Not just physically but mentally. I feel teachers don’t get how draining school is and sometimes you just need a break.
Teachers get mad if you put your head down or just don’t want to participate but sometimes you just genuinely need to relax and let your body rest. A quote from Jewel Dezard a senior “Sometimes I am tired from school because I had to stay up late due to the fact that I had homework to finish and all I want to do is just rest.”
Understand how they can feel it’s disrespectful for not paying attention but if it’s not an everyday thing I feel they should be more understanding towards us.
Most students once they turn 15 get a job to make money since they are now of the age to buy their own clothes and have the choice to eat out with their friends. That means that students have to wake up at 6 am and most don’t get home till 10.
That is such a long day and then as soon as they get home, they have to do homework and shower. Most teachers give a lot of homework because they feel it helps us better understand what we learned that day, but the thing is students have lives too, and they need to consider that.
When you take college classes such as Advanced Placement, Cambridge Classes, and Dual Enrollment classes they expect way more for you which means double the work. These classes look good for colleges, but the teachers expect so much from you.
On average students get around 1-3 hours of homework per night. Along with the 7-hour school day. Basically, a student’s whole life is school, and teachers still complain that we don’t do enough work. A quote from Sarah Singh a senior “I get a ton of homework every night which makes me not able to do anything else for the day but going to school and homework.”
Imagine being at school for 7 hours and then having to go to work from 5-10 and then you have to shower and do your homework. The next day you have to get up at 6 and your teachers get mad at you for being 5 minutes late.
The strict detention rule is unfair to students because even if you are 2 minutes late it will be considered late and if you have 3 latest you will be served detention. Staying an extra hour or two isn’t possible for all students.
Some students rely on taking the bus home because their parents work late and that is their only option. Some students are too young to drive, and some aren’t on income to be able to purchase a car.