Holidays can be hard for some people. Going online, on social media, seeing your friends all post having a blast with their big spread of family members while you on the other hand have a smaller circle of a family. It’s not an easy thing to do for everyone and some can dread the holidays for this reason. On the other hand, people with larger families thrive for the holidays. Seeing your cousins you haven’t seen in a while, reconnecting with aunts and uncles, and just the overall feeling of being with your family. They may have more traditions due to the number of members in a bigger family rather than someone with a smaller group of family members.
Charlotte Lanzi, a junior says, “My family is quite big so I do enjoy the holidays. Our family tradition is everyone goes to my aunt’s house on the 24th of December and the entire family meets there for dinner and we then play games all night. The only problem I have is that I need to spend a lot of money since there are so many people..”
Cooper Yellin, a junior says, “Although my family is smaller I highly enjoy my holidays with my family, it’s one of the things I look forward to the most throughout the year.”
Having a big family is so great because it’s not every day you see everyone so for the holidays it is the family together and it is so wholesome. There are all the bad parts of having a big family because sometimes it takes a while to catch up with everyone when time is important for some people. When having a small family it is easy to work with everyone’s time and set a date up for holidays. The good point of having a small family is that you spend less money but it can kinda be sad since you don’t get to see the whole family for events.
“I have a pretty big family, and we always go way over the top for the holidays, especially the Jewish ones and Thanksgiving. My dad makes so many side dishes for Turkey Day it’s kind of insane. I usually have 10+ people come over for most of the holidays. The only downside is, it can get a little overwhelming sometimes. Overall, I love my family and I love spending the holidays with them. Said Noah Rosen, a senior.
At the end of the day having a big or small family does not matter, it is the time you spend with them that matters, and the memories that you make. The potential to create family memories isn’t determined by how many family members you have, but by who you make the memories with.