Language is often difficult to picture. Whether words mean a small amount or can change the world as we know it. However, finding the right words may be more difficult than one may realize.
Words can speak loud, but feelings and actions are louder. However, poetry ensures freedom of expression, a beauty, to build emotion to a journey beyond regular words alone.
Poetry can share and express feelings beyond one person. However, it may be specific to the extent of feeling as if it is only for one.
A tide so gentle it may care for one, yet provide for all. Poetry shares feelings so difficult to express, yet inside, all feel and relate to.
In times of sorrow or loneliness or messiness, poetry can be used with words so passionate and from the inside that, no matter how complex, a story told by the heart.
A language few understand, yet with precise words, can relate to all. Song artists use lyrics as a means of a likeness to poetry to express their emotion.
A love that can pull or break hearts, yet, with care, can unite them as easily. Emotion is expressed by all, yet, everyone shares it differently.
A difference can change one’s life. Yet, in difference are similarities, if all were the same no one would be different. Everyone would be ordinary since there is no special without difference.
Ordinary exists in all, yet lies specialty, for we are the same in mind, different at heart. If all had a different message in one’s heart, it can be expressed through all.
Each is different and hard to describe, some may sound alike, others not at all. Yet, emotion can link all together.
Differences may pull others apart, some hate differences. Yet, without a difference in career, people could not learn. Difference in persona, personality would not be. Differences can change lives, only time can show similarity in differences further.
Emotion is expressed by all, yet few understand. People share their understanding of the mind and heart, through choice and effort, comes time spent.
“I tend to take a few seconds to think about the words before I speak. Gives me time to figure out how I want to convey my thoughts in the most concise and effective way possible.” Sebastian Zapata, a senior, says his thoughts on finding the right moment and time for his words.
“I tend to think on the more logical side of things. If someone asked me how many fingers they were holding I would think to myself how many things they have and how they position their hands. But, if someone asked me “What is the meaning of life?” then I would check the age because if a five-year-old asked me that question, then I wouldn’t ruin the kid’s day by saying there is no “meaning of life!” Shelly Toth, a biology teacher, says on her perspective on finding the right words with logic and circumstances.
Poetry, like all languages, can be spoken by all. Yet, all language is hard at first, yet can express beyond words, beyond the mind.
A world so divided by differences can be united by a few words. Words so hard to express can be shown by emotion, if a few could unite all, time wears beyond its toll, all people must do is to be or not to be.