Disney, a famous multinational entertainment company, recently came out with another animated film in theatres on November 27th. This animation, “Moana 2,” is a sequel to the first movie that came out in 2016. The first movie is about a teenage girl named Moana, who is the daughter of the chief of the island of Motunui. Moana forbiddenly ventures out to sea and meets a demigod named Maui and together they restore the heart of Te Fiti to save the islands.
In the first movie, the main characters were the title character Moana, voiced by Auli’i Cravalho, Maui, a demigod voiced by Dwayne Johnson, Moana’s father Chief Tui voiced by actor Temurea Morrison, Moana’s mother Sina, voiced by Nicole Scherzinger, and Moana’s late grandmother Tala, the mother of her father, voiced by the actress and director Rachel House. Moana is also accompanied by her two pet animals, a pot-belly pig named Pau, and a rooster called Heihei. Heihei is voiced by actor Alan Tudyk.
The sequel now shows an older version of Moana once again traveling overseas on a journey to find a lost island called Motufetu and break a curse to reconnect the people of the ocean. In addition to the new plot of the story, in Moana 2, she now has a new little sister named Simea, who is three and a half years old.
In addition to Simea, there are many new characters and returning ones in this new animated sequel. Reprising her voice role as Moana is Auli’i Cravalho. Maui is once again voiced by the actor and wrestler Dwayne Johnson, who is also known as “The Rock.” Temuera Morrison is reprising his role as the Chief and Moana’s father, and Nicole Scherzinger is also reprising her role as Moana’s mother Sina. Some new members of the sequel have made some new and fresh additions to this animation where they all join Moana for her adventure overseas.
The new characters that are a part of Moana’s crew are Kele, who is voiced by David Fane, Moni, voiced by Hualailai Chung, and Loto, voiced by Rose Matafeo. Kele is an old farmer who prefers the land over the sea. Moni is a scholar who keeps track of the records of the island. Loto is an engineer who designs Moana’s canoes. Nalo, the powerful god of storms, is the main Antagonist of the movie. This character is voiced by the comedian Tofiga Fepulea’i.
“The new characters in the movie are such an interesting addition to the movie and they make it ten times better, because this time Moana has an entire crew to help her out.” Rihanna Edwards, a freshman said.
Fans love this new sequel as much as the first movie. “The storyline is so creative just like the one in the last movie and the songs are so amazing and catchy they get stuck in my head.” Aaliyah O’Keefe, a freshman said.