When you get older your favorite things change, like for example; holidays when you are younger kids’ favorite holidays are Christmas and Easter but when you get older you need to do more things and people don’t like it as much. When you’re an adult you need to pay for presents and food, when you’re a kid you don’t need to.
Even though holidays don’t feel the same that does not mean they are not still fun although it does not feel right the thing that matters is the memories you make with the ones you decide to spend your time with. That is why I say there is no big difference from holidays like Halloween since you spend time with people you like when your a kid you walk around and get candy but when your older you are still with people you like but maybe partying.
Getting older when the Christmas season comes around is easier for your parents and also benefits you more. Instead of getting gifts you want that will get thrown out within a year you ask for gifts that will be more useful. For example, for girls, they can ask for makeup, hair products, gift cards, and even big things like a new car. For guys, they can ask for cologne, sportswear, shoes, and shaving kits.
Charlotte Lanzi says, “I definitely agree with the fact that holidays change as you get older, the holiday spirit goes down, and just the overall vibe is different. Good examples would be Christmas, Easter, and St Patrick’s Day. All these holidays used to have a magic feeling as kids nowadays are more than just regular days. St Patrick’s Day had the illusion of the leprechaun leaving a surprise in the toilet, Christmas was the thrill of thinking you saw Santa flying across your house while he ate and drank your cookies and milk you left out for him, and easter was the excitement of seeing and finding what and where the bunny left your surprise.’’
Lola Bogdanchik says, “Although I really enjoyed the holiday experience of getting gifts from Santa Claus when I was younger, I believe that throughout the years I have grown and understand the purpose of Christmas. I enjoy being around my family and friends and eating home-cooked food. I also am looking forward to doing Christmas-related activities with my children, like going to the Christmas tree farm and picking out our tree, hiding the elf on the shelf, and even leaving out cookies on Christmas Eve for Santa Claus!”
In conclusion, the holiday depends on your own opinion but one thing is certain, it will not be the same since as you grow older your body goes through changes, causing your perception to change.