Society often takes basic resources for granted. Often caused by greed and power, leaders of today often make choices that punish the people.
While common, it does not make these actions become just. As a result, while not given to the people, it is the people’s responsibility to take care of others in need.
However, many do not listen or notice the people. For all attention is dragged to people with power, fame, or wealth. As a result, to notice the people is rather difficult in the modern day.
However, the Thirst Project, a project to provide water, a basic human need, to the world, can be done with students. Students are still learning as their minds are growing. As a result, educating a student’s mind at a young age provides awareness of an issue otherwise not mentioned in the media.
To help those worldwide, who are suffering from causes that they are not responsible for, is to be a hero; that many may rely on, for that, is what the Thirst Project and its members desire.
The Thirst Project helps to filter and secure healthy and safe water for all. Young children and women, due to a societal responsibility and or health state of vulnerability are especially in need of assistance.
As mentioned previously, leaders globally refuse to help and assist the people of not only their country, but others due to blindness of power. Even today, leaders of the world still refuse to help the people; if not, they are only helping themselves.
Coral Glades students are rising to do the right thing, one day at a time. Abril Rico, a senior, shares her goal for the Thirst Project; and how she will start and maintain the Thirst Project in Coral Glades not only for her time in Coral Glades but for years to come.
“Starting up a movement this big was no easy task, but we are determined to raise the $12,000 to fund a freshwater well in the Kingdom of Eswatini. While we were aware that we were starting from scratch, the opportunity for change that we can make in our community through this is something that will stick with us forever, and that is our biggest takeaway from it.”
Education could raise an age of awareness, care, and responsibility for all of the world. Reina Wong, a senior, states about her learning, awareness, and determination to make the lack of water become an event of the past.
“This project has expanded my perspective of how seemingly insignificant actions and things we take for granted have major impacts on those that can’t afford to take it for granted Thirst Project is a means of improving health literacy, bettering women’s education, and tackling waterborne illnesses by assisting in providing a basic human need: water.”
Students from across the world all share the same ability to solve issues. In a time of grudges and deniability, especially when it is simple to do so, it is hard to accept responsibility.
However, if taken by those who never give up; the future may be better, one step at a time. Today may be one step for students, but one giant leap for the world.