As the end of the 2024-2025 school year approaches, seniors get closer to the time they have to graduate. An important thing that seniors look forward to is having their quote in the yearbook. A senior quote is the senior’s final words before they depart from high school. It can be advice for generations after that, a song lyric, or a quote.
Senior Briana Dalu talks about why she chose a quote from a song, “My senior quote is a line from the song Unwritten. Sabrina Santucci and I have listened to the song together on repeat throughout high school, so we thought it was fitting to do matching quotes from the song.” Her quote was “Today is where your book begins…” and Sabrina Santucci’s is “…the rest is still unwritten”
An anonymous senior used a quote from Chadwick Boseman an American actor, it says “Your very existence is wrapped up in the things you are here to fulfill” Using a famous person’s words as your quote is always a good idea. It saves the trouble of trying to think of something to say without sounding cringe while still saying something motivational.
Senior quotes gained popularity in the 1950s as a way for seniors to show their personalities. These quotes reflect on the past four years the student has spent at the school. It is a way for them to share their experience in one sentence. These quotes can be inspirational or funny. Of course, the quotes must be school-appropriate but that’s the only rule! Students love submitting their quotes because when people read them they will see who they were in high school even if they don’t know them personally.
When students graduate they will look back at their senior yearbook and get a feeling of nostalgia when they see their quote. They will remember their time back in high school and see how much they have changed. It may even encourage them to contact their old peers from high school and reconnect.
Graduating is a bittersweet feeling. A part of you wants to move on to the next chapter of your life while a part of you is scared to desert the past four years of your life because those years were full of relationships and unforgettable moments. When thinking of what your senior quote should be, it is important to recount those years and take the time to appreciate them. High School is a one-time thing and although it may be tough you have to soak it all in before it’s all gone.
You should also put careful consideration into your quote. When you go back to your high school yearbook and see your name and quote you want to make sure it’s going to be words that will make you smile not ones that will make you cringe. It is important to keep your quote short and sweet.