Dear, Highschool
The time we’ve spent together has been one of a kind. The friendships I’ve created, the clubs and activities I’ve been a part of, and the knowledge I’ve gained from these amazing teachers will forever be memorable. These last four years have been so very special to me I have learned so much about myself and grown as an individual.
My advice to incoming freshmen is to make goals of where they would like to be in their senior year. You will never know what’s going to happen in the next three years but your biggest priority should be yourself and your education. Time flies incredibly fast even if your plan or goals change as long as you know what’s important and how to prioritize that. Just because your education is important doesn’t mean you should miss out on everything around you. Have fun, join clubs, make friends, be yourself, and learn from everything that comes ahead. Before you know it you’re a junior heading to the most important year of your high school career. To all Juniors, take a moment and just enjoy what you have left. Don’t stress too much about what lies ahead. It’s the most stressful feeling, but you will be okay. You will figure it out no matter the outcome. Of course, stay on top of graduating and make sure it happens, but don’t lose yourself in the process.
I am most proud of being part of the newspaper. What I’ve accomplished in the classroom was more than what was expected and is exactly what I see myself doing years from now. I met my favorite people in that room and got to do great things with them afterward. We worked very hard together for that club and I could’ve never done it by myself.
High school can be tricky. It’s a process of finding yourself but you may not understand who you are at moments. The worst part is not understanding why certain things happen when you lose relationships that you thought would last forever. You may feel like that bad grade on that assignment you worked so hard for is the end of the world, but it’s not. I learned one thing about myself: I’m worth more. The long nights of studying, coming home late every day from working at that part-time job, the drama from every relationship. You get through it all. I did and so can every other high school student. It’s okay to lose people or fail, it’s normal. You will find your place again and you learn it will happen again but it gets better every time. I learned to stand my ground and not allow people to treat me badly. Every step is a process and you learn through it all.
Overall Glades has shown me more than any school has. They have shown me to be an exceptional student. To be a leader, to be kind to those who deserve it, and to be a good friend. I will forever remember these four years, but it’s time to say goodbye. It’s time to take my knowledge somewhere new and become even better. I still have so much to learn and so much more to gain. I’m so excited to see what lies ahead. I give thanks to this school and everything it has brought me, but it’s time to go. We have grown apart and it’s best if we part ways. Goodbye, to everything and everyone I leave behind.
Allyssa Milian